If you need an RS232 interface for the Echostar LT8700 I need of course your address.
Price: See the recevier sub-pages.

Important! Important! Important! Important! Important!
Please test the demoversion with your receiver before you order. A refund or exchange of a license file is not possible!
To pay there are 3 possibilities:
1. PayPal
Please click on the receiver sub-page on the PayPal button.:

2. You send me the money in cash by registered letter to my address:
Wolfgang Litzinger
Frontalstr. 42
67693 Fischbach
3. You make a direct money transfer to my bank account. (Note: You have to take the fees for international money transfer)
Account nr. 44 609 52 00
Bank 24
Banknumber 380 707 24
Post address:
Karl-Legien Str. 188
53244 Bonn
IBAN: DE66 3807 0724 0446 0952 00
Please send me an email with your name and your emailaddress and the editor you like to order. Please don't sent me pictures of your transfer sheet or online banking program, you will get the key as soon as I have the money on my bank account, I check my account every day.
Note: If you are not absolute sure that you take all fees for international money transfers, please add 4 Euro, this is the fee that I have to take for most of the international money transfers.