©® W. Litzinger
Can I use my license for one SetEdit version for all versions on your homepage?
I have changed my receiver. I have installed the update from your homepage, but my license does no longer work. why?
I have two receivers and I want to use the same settings on both recievers, which version do I have to register?
I have lost my license, how can I get a new one?
I have an idea about a new function, how do I get this?
How can I enter the codes for my EMU in your program?
Wie kann ich Sky sehen?
Wie kann ich Sky umsonst mit meinem Receiver sehen?
I have a special question about the editor for my receiver.
1. How long do I have to wait for my license when I order?
The licenses are not sent automatically. So if you order by PayPal, ShareIt or in the onlineshop, you will get the license as soon as I get the confirmation mail. This is usually between 5 minutes and 24 hours. Esp. if you order at night or at the weekend it can happen that you have to wait until the next working day.
2. Can I use my license for one SetEdit version for all versions on your homepage?
No, of course not. All versions of SetEdit have to be registrated seperatly if you want to use them as a full version.
3. I have changed my receiver. I have installed the update from your homepage, but my license does no longer work. why?
See above, the licenses are only working with the versions they are ordered for.
4. I have two receivers and I want to use the same settings on both recievers, which version do I have to register?
You can convert (PDF instruction) from any SetEdit format to each other format.
The version with that you write into a receiver must be registered, the version you take the settings from can be a demo version. If you like to to convert and exchange the settngs in both directions, you need both licenses.
5. I have lost my license, how can I get a new one?
In every registration email I aks the user to make a backup of the license file. If you have no backup, I need the name and the email address you used when you registerd.
1. I have discovered a bug, what should I do?
First pleae check if you can reproduce the proplem. If you can reporoduce the problem, please sent me a detailed error description. I need the editor version and the built number of the main application(see Help -> about). It is useful when you sent me a settings file that shows me the problem. Sometimes it is useful to sent me a picture or screenshot.
2. I have an idea about a new function, how do I get this?
Please feel free to ask me about your idea. If it is possible to implement the new feature, I will do this.
1. Can I watch with your editor pay TV channels for free?
Of course not! Channels worth watching are channels worth paying for. Please get a legal subscription and don't hope to find any information about illegal things on this page.
2.How can I enter the codes for my EMU in your program?
See above! My software does only support the official firmware versions.
3. Was muß ich machen um Sky zu sehen?
Entweder diesem Link folgen www.skyforfree.de oder die folgende Nummer anrufen: 01805/110000.
3. Wie kann ich Sky umsonst mit meinem Receiver sehen?
Bitte suchen Sie sich einen Sponsor, der Ihnen das Abo bezahlt, andere Tipps werden Sie hier nicht finden. Sie können ja auch Ihrem Chef den Tipp gehen, Ihnen einfach kein Gehalt mehr für Ihre Arbeit zu bezahlen, vielleicht bezahlt er Ihnen dann stattdessen das Sky Abo.
1. I don't find my receiver in your receiver list. What can I do?
There are a lot of receivers that are compatible but not listed in my receiver list. To tell you if your receiver is compatible with any reciever that I support, I need an URL of the receiver manufacturer.
2. I have a special question about the editor for my receiver.
Q: Why can I only edit one favourite list, the receiver has more FAV lists?
A: The firmware does only transmit one FAV list, as soon as a new firmware is availabel, that transfers the information about the other FAV lists, I will add this to my editor.
Q: After writing the settings to the receiver I see "good" in the receiver display, but still the old settings are in the receiver. Why?
A: Some receiver need a factory reset after writing the settings into the receiver. This sounds strange, I know, please try.
Q: Which parameters should I add in the configuration for my reciever?
A: Most receiver are in the list, here are some other receivers with their parameters:
VACI-5300 Loader H2.31 SW 1.06.09: Menu-Type 3 Flash-Typ 1 System ID 00E1.0601
VACI-5300plus Loader H2.31 SW 1.00.04: Menu-Type 1 Flash-Typ 9 System ID 00E1.4600
1. My computer has no RS232 port, only USB. What can I do?
You can get USB->RS232 adapters, e.g. at www.reichelt.de (order umber "USB SERIELL").
How long do I have to wait for my license when I order?Can I use my license for one SetEdit version for all versions on your homepage?
I have changed my receiver. I have installed the update from your homepage, but my license does no longer work. why?
I have two receivers and I want to use the same settings on both recievers, which version do I have to register?
I have lost my license, how can I get a new one?
I have discovered a bug, what should I do?I have an idea about a new function, how do I get this?
Can I watch with your editor pay TV channels for free?How can I enter the codes for my EMU in your program?
Wie kann ich Sky sehen?
Wie kann ich Sky umsonst mit meinem Receiver sehen?
I don't find my receiver in your receiver list. What can I do?I have a special question about the editor for my receiver.
My computer has no RS232 port, only USB. What can I do?Answers:
1. How long do I have to wait for my license when I order?
The licenses are not sent automatically. So if you order by PayPal, ShareIt or in the onlineshop, you will get the license as soon as I get the confirmation mail. This is usually between 5 minutes and 24 hours. Esp. if you order at night or at the weekend it can happen that you have to wait until the next working day.
2. Can I use my license for one SetEdit version for all versions on your homepage?
No, of course not. All versions of SetEdit have to be registrated seperatly if you want to use them as a full version.
3. I have changed my receiver. I have installed the update from your homepage, but my license does no longer work. why?
See above, the licenses are only working with the versions they are ordered for.
4. I have two receivers and I want to use the same settings on both recievers, which version do I have to register?
You can convert (PDF instruction) from any SetEdit format to each other format.
The version with that you write into a receiver must be registered, the version you take the settings from can be a demo version. If you like to to convert and exchange the settngs in both directions, you need both licenses.
5. I have lost my license, how can I get a new one?
In every registration email I aks the user to make a backup of the license file. If you have no backup, I need the name and the email address you used when you registerd.
1. I have discovered a bug, what should I do?
First pleae check if you can reproduce the proplem. If you can reporoduce the problem, please sent me a detailed error description. I need the editor version and the built number of the main application(see Help -> about). It is useful when you sent me a settings file that shows me the problem. Sometimes it is useful to sent me a picture or screenshot.
2. I have an idea about a new function, how do I get this?
Please feel free to ask me about your idea. If it is possible to implement the new feature, I will do this.
1. Can I watch with your editor pay TV channels for free?
Of course not! Channels worth watching are channels worth paying for. Please get a legal subscription and don't hope to find any information about illegal things on this page.
2.How can I enter the codes for my EMU in your program?
See above! My software does only support the official firmware versions.
3. Was muß ich machen um Sky zu sehen?
Entweder diesem Link folgen www.skyforfree.de oder die folgende Nummer anrufen: 01805/110000.
3. Wie kann ich Sky umsonst mit meinem Receiver sehen?
Bitte suchen Sie sich einen Sponsor, der Ihnen das Abo bezahlt, andere Tipps werden Sie hier nicht finden. Sie können ja auch Ihrem Chef den Tipp gehen, Ihnen einfach kein Gehalt mehr für Ihre Arbeit zu bezahlen, vielleicht bezahlt er Ihnen dann stattdessen das Sky Abo.
1. I don't find my receiver in your receiver list. What can I do?
There are a lot of receivers that are compatible but not listed in my receiver list. To tell you if your receiver is compatible with any reciever that I support, I need an URL of the receiver manufacturer.
2. I have a special question about the editor for my receiver.
Q: Why can I only edit one favourite list, the receiver has more FAV lists?
A: The firmware does only transmit one FAV list, as soon as a new firmware is availabel, that transfers the information about the other FAV lists, I will add this to my editor.
Q: After writing the settings to the receiver I see "good" in the receiver display, but still the old settings are in the receiver. Why?
A: Some receiver need a factory reset after writing the settings into the receiver. This sounds strange, I know, please try.
Q: Which parameters should I add in the configuration for my reciever?
A: Most receiver are in the list, here are some other receivers with their parameters:
VACI-5300 Loader H2.31 SW 1.06.09: Menu-Type 3 Flash-Typ 1 System ID 00E1.0601
VACI-5300plus Loader H2.31 SW 1.00.04: Menu-Type 1 Flash-Typ 9 System ID 00E1.4600
1. My computer has no RS232 port, only USB. What can I do?
You can get USB->RS232 adapters, e.g. at www.reichelt.de (order umber "USB SERIELL").
Richiedi informazioni all'autore (solo in inglese, tedesco): Wolfgang.Litzinger@setedit.de