- Samsung J/JU/J S-Series >=6xxx Tizen
- Samsung K/KU/KS-Series >=6xxx Tizen
- Samsung M/N/Q Series
- Samsung Smart TV R/RU Series
- Samsung Smart TV GQ Series
SetEditSamsungJ 1.33
Editor za sve što želite da promenite na vašem prijemniku.
- Pokazuje vam sve tipove podataka
- Premestiti,izbrisati i preimenovati kanale
- Promeniti skoro sve parametre (not in light version)
- Kreiranje novih kanala (not in light version)
- Funkcije za pretragu i sortiranje
- Funkcija za štampanje
- Konvertuj iz/u druge oblike postavki (settings formats) (uključujući SatcoDX) (not in light version)
- Arrange a channel list by a wishlist (not in light version)
- Create the same channel list for different devices (not in light version)
- Import postavki(settings) (not in light version)
- I mnogo više
- Samo 29,99 Euro. (14,99 Euro Light version)
I can asure you, that all my software is free from any virus or trojan and of course tested. As soon as I know of such a false detection, I inform the manufacturer of the anti virus software, get an apology for the fals detection and the next day a new antivirus scanner blames my software.
If you get such a virus warning, please inform me. I will sent you a version that is checked by with the scan results and inform the manufacturer of the anti virus software.
Samsung J/JU/J S-Series >=6xxx Tizen Samsung K/KU/KS-Series >=6xxx Tizen Samsung M/N/Q Series Samsung Smart TV R/RU Series Samsung Smart TV GQ Series Poslednji update: 31.12.2023 |
Šta vam je potrebno:
- Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11
- USB Stick
Kontakt sa autorom (samo na engleskom ili nemačkom)